“Mac” your calendar and get ready for our annual macaroni and cheese festival. It’s the “cheesiest” event of the year! Join us on Sunday, February 23rd, at noon for a family-friendly event that supports the museum’s mission and helps us choose the area’s ultimate comfort food.
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Festival attendees receive museum admission and a book of Mac & Motors tickets. After using the tickets to sample the signature recipes of our participating vendor, guests use their final ticket to cast their votes for their favorite mac ‘n cheese. The vendor with the most attendee votes is the winner and receives the “Big Noodle” trophy.
Speranza Animal Rescue is a local non-profit, 100% volunteer-run rescue, rehabilitation center, and sanctuary committed to saving abused and neglected animals with the goal of finding loving homes for as many of them as possible. We’re collecting items to meet their ongoing needs.
Please consider bringing an item from Speranza Animal Rescue’s wish list when you attend Mac & Motors.
The museum welcomes mac & cheese experts from area restaurants, caterers, and vendors as Mac & Motors contestants. Each prepares their favorite mac & cheese recipe and then shares warm and cheesy pasta samples with festival attendees.
2025 Participating Restaurants/Vendors
Adults: $20
Children 12 & under: $12
Children 3 & under FREE
Special Family Pack (4 attendees): $60
Got great mac & cheese? Find out how your restaurant’s/organization’s recipe compares with Central Pennsylvania’s best mac makers. Fifteen to twenty of Central PA’s best restaurants are invited to bring their favorite mac & cheese to the museum for sampling in disposable aluminum pans. The museum will provide chafer frames, pans, sterno for heat, sampling cups, spoons, napkins, and food scoops. Last year more than 600 guests attended Mac and Motors.
The top three vote-getters receive engraved trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place to commemorate their festival victory!
Annual Mac & Cheese Festival, Sunday, February 25th, 2024. Register your participation by completing the form below or click the link to download and interactive form (PDF).
Download the Restaurant Participation Registration/Agreement